Online Fraud Prevention, Detect and Stop Automated Attacks

Detect and mitigate even the most sophisticated threats with Netacea’s online fraud prevention solution. Our AI-powered fraud protection services can secure you against brute force attacks and attack vectors, reducing the risk of fraud from automated attacks.


Protect Your Business From A Range of Automated Threats

Learn how Netacea helps you defeat:

Without Strong Fraud Protection Services - Your Business Is At Risk

Online fraud is rising rapidly, bad bots can now evolve faster than security teams can keep pace with, creating a significant burden and drain on your resources. Conventional fraud detection solutions are no longer adequate in providing timely, efficient or effective online fraud detection. Getting it wrong is costly, our research shows 3.6% of annual revenues are lost due to ineffective online fraud prevention.

Don’t Pay The Price For Outdated Bot Fraud Protection

Conventional bot management relies on signs like suspicious IP addresses and dubious user agents. Bad actors know this and readily adapt their methods to breach those defences, further increasing the risk of fraud. Our online fraud prevention solutions offer a more robust and automatic method of defense for online fraud detection that hackers can’t bypass.

Discover Netacea Bot Management

Online Fraud Detection Falls Short Without Netacea

By the time an attack has been uncovered, it’s usually already too late for both your business and the security of your customers or clients. The fraudster will have taken their spoils and moved onto their next victim before you were even aware they existed – that’s where our online fraud detection services come in.

Discover Netacea Bot Management

Netacea Tops Forrester Wave For Threat Detection

Netacea Gets Top Score for Bot Detection

Forrester, a leading research organization, identified Netacea as a Strong Performer in its 2022 evaluation of the bot management market.

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Netacea Gets Top Score for Threat Research

Forrester has identified Netacea’s bot detection capability as the highest scoring of any vendor in its 2022 evaluation of the bot management market.

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Find Out More About Online Fraud Prevention

  • What are brute force attacks?

    Brute force attacks are methods for hacking that use trial and error to crack login credentials, encryption keys and passwords. This can allow hackers to gain unauthorised access to individual accounts as well as systems and networks. The hacker will try multiple usernames and passwords, using a computer to test a wide range of combinations, until they find the correct login information.

  • Types of brute force attacks
    • Simple brute force attacks: This occurs when a hacker attempts to guess a user’s login credentials manually without using any software.
    • Dictionary attacks: A basic form of brute force hacking where the attacker selects a target and tests possible passwords against their username.
    • Hybrid brute force attacks: The hacker combines a dictionary attack method with a simple brute force attack.
    • Credential stuffing: Attackers collect username and password combinations they have stolen which they then test on other websites to see if they can gain access to additional user accounts.
    • Reverse brute force attacks: Attackers begin the process with a known password and search for a matching login credential.
  • What are attack vectors?

    Attack vectors, also known as threat vectors, are a way for attackers to gain access to a system or network that is not protected by online fraud prevention. Common attack vectors include cyber attack vectors like social engineering attacks, vulnerability exploits, credential theft, and insufficient protection against insider threats.

  • What are bot attacks?

    Bot attacks are the use of automated web requests to manipulate, disrupt or defraud a website, end-users or API. Bot attacks initially began as simple spamming operations and have since evolved into complex, multinational criminal enterprises with their own economies and infrastructures.

  • What is bot fraud?

    Bot fraud is an umbrella term that refers to all types of online fraud carried out or assisted by malicious bots. Bots are much faster than humans, and can be used to prepare for attacks, perform the attacks themselves, and assist fraud attempts by evading any anti-fraud defenses. Cybercriminals can perform bot fraud attacks in many different forms and monetization schemes.

  • What are automated attacks?

    Automated attacks use sophisticated tools like bots to maliciously perform large amounts of repetitive tasks like password spraying with hardly any cost. Automated attacks can utilise malicious bots to exploit vulnerabilities in your web application.

  • What are business logic flaws?

    Business logic flaws are methods of utilizing the real handling stream of an application that outcomes in an adverse result to the associations. Logic flaws are regularly undetectable to individuals who aren’t unequivocally searching for them as they ordinarily will not be uncovered by typical utilization of the application. Nonetheless, business logic flaws can be taken advantage of by attackers to carry out business logic attacks.

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